Push the rock by the cliff to launch a rock at the banana tree. (Once you load this save for your alternate ending do not move the catapult until you've fired it and sunk the ship first.) Take the nearby set of footholds to get in position to fire the catapult. Regardless of the ending you choose, pull the catapult twice (from the starting position) to aim it at the banana tree as you'll need to do this either way. Use the spyglass found in Herman’s camp to see where the catapult is aimed.

If you’re trying to get all the achievements in 1 ½ playthroughs you should keep a save here so you can load it and get the second ending without replaying the entire game up to this point. The catapult is aimed at the Sea Monkey to start with, so don’t fire it without adjusting the aim unless you’re going for the alternate ending. The catapult can fling a rock at the banana tree on the beach where you started or at your own ship, which will sink it. The primitive art is a catapult which is needed both to progress through the game and to get the alternate ending. Pick up the note (4 of 9) on the ground after saving your game. Pick up both the note and the rock, climb the footholds across the river and save your game in a backup slot just in case. There will be a note (3 of 9) shown as note under rock in the foreground. Return to the jungle and follow the river to the east, arriving at an area in the mountains called river fork. Leave the fort and go due south to the beach at the foot of the mountain and pick up the note there (2 of 9).
If Herman shows up, just talk to him until he leaves and you’ll be free to continue looting his fort. You don’t need to take the telescope on the right but I recommend you nab it while you’re here anyway. Grab the rope lying on the ground by the rock wall, then push the cannon and pick up the gunpowder and the cannon ball. This is Herman’s camp and you need to borrow a few things. There is a fort on the northern rim of the crater, go there. The camera should switch to an overhead view of a mountain with a lake in the center. From there, head to the northwest, towards the winding river. Once you’ve read the first note, walk to the jungle to reach the Island Map for Monkey Island. The exception is the first note pinned to the banana tree on the beach next to you, which only needs to be read in order to count. There are nine messages total and all but one of them will appear as pieces of paper lying on the ground that need to be picked up.

In the first section of this Part there’s an achievement for reading all of the notes that the residents of the island have written to each other. Guybrush lands gracefully on Monkey Island and is welcomed by some of the locals, including a castaway named Herman Toothrot. Guybrush used a voodoo spell to travel to Monkey Island™. Use the rope on the rear of the cannon as a makeshift wick, use the gunpowder on the muzzle of the cannon, light the rope with the flaming mass, then have Guybrush walk to the muzzle of the cannon to fire himself ashore, completing Part II.Ĭomplete Part Two: The Journey. Return to the storage area and grab another handful of gunpowder before making your way to the main deck where your mutinous crew is. Use your map on the fire to obtain a useful flaming mass. Of course, you don't actually have a way of getting ashore via more conventional methods, so Guybrush will have to think outside the box. With the voodoo recipe completed, Guybrush and company are transported to Monkey Island. To complete this delicious dish, add some breath mints. It somehow doesn't affect the voodoo spell and you can’t throw anything in that you’ll need later. You can clear them from your inventory by using them with the cooking pot as well. At this point in the game you’ve collected a lot of items you no longer need.

Return to the kitchen and use the following items on the cooking pot in the center of the room: the ink, the Jolly Roger, the cereal, the very fine wine, some gunpowder, the cinnamon sticks, and the chicken. The paper is a voodoo recipe to get to Monkey Island and it just so happens we have all the ingredients. Pick up the chest inside and open it to find a piece of paper and some cinnamon sticks. Leave the storage area, return to the cabin where we started Part II, then use the small key to open the cabinet on the right side of the room. Before leaving, get some gunpowder by opening the kegs on the left. Open the chest to the right and look inside to get some very fine wine then grab the giant piece of rope from the barrels in the foreground. Leave the Kitchen and go through the hatch on the lower deck to enter a storage area.